acquainted with the glorious city of ulyanovsk, it used to be called simbirsk, but after the death of ulyanov leninof the world proletariat, he was renamed ulyanovsk, and we will also get acquainted with the surroundings of our siberian ulyanovsk, yes, yes, naturally picturesque, and there are no others, in our program, in addition to this we will learn about... by the way, we are now driving along the imperial bridge, the decision to build the bridge was made by the famous russian prime minister pyotr stolypin in 1910. its grand opening took place 6 years later, since it was at this time that celebrations took place in honor of tercentenary of the house of romanov, the bridge was given the name “imperial”. and the formation of the kuibyshev reservoir. the bridge had to grow in height, as the water level increased significantly. the length of the bridge is just over 2 km. the imperial bridge is one of the historical symbols of simbirsko-ulyanovsk. it’s a paradoxical fact, but an entire block of unique 19th-century buildings in ulyanovsk was preserved intact only thanks to ilyich. when lenin was sma