such sensual means, means as unworthy of you as they would be beneath the dignity of the cause of umanity. i feel that if you are to be reached at all, it will not be by me but by the truths i shall endeavor to present to your understanding and your hearts. the heart of the eastern despot was reached through the lowest propensities of his animal nature by personal influence. yours, i know, cannot be reached but through the loftier sentiments of intellectual and oral feelings. i stand before you as a citizen, on behalf of the 20,000 women of massachusetts whose names are enrolled on petitions which have been submitted to the legislature of which you are the organ. these petitions relate to the great and solemn subject of american slavery, a subject fraught with the deepest interest to the republic, whether we regarded in its political, moral or religious aspects. because it is political, it has often been tauntingly said that a woman has nothing to do with it. are we aliens because we are women? are we bereft of citizenship because we are the mothers, wives, and daughters of a mighty peopl