the statement and i thought rather than like many professional societies, rubberstamping with the un ipcc says, as physicists we should have a deeper look at the issue so i convened a workshop, five physicists who were not climate experts that and listened to three consensus scientists, all of them ipcc authors in one way or another and three credentialed skeptical scientists. there were presentations and we talked for a day or so and i came away with the sense there is a lot here we don't understand and some of it very important to know that we didn't know. i was also surprised by how i had not heard about those shortfalls in the time i was studying the matter. it was a revelation about the substance of the science and how clearly it had been communicated to the public. >> your epiphany was similar to mine some years earlier on a different subject on nuclear energy which we will come back to. i spent the week of the accident at 3 mile island when i came to the united states, as a documented immigrant from canada and i am an american citizen, proud to be. despite our trials and tribulatio