problem and the information you are telling us will leave it ok now the un relief and works agency is accused. of lying when it claimed the un agency had allowed. rockets from its schools. so thought i'd like to again i promise you i would not answer the question based on israel's p.r. machine so this isn't the hamas is words i'd like to turn you to an interview by a hamas member of parliament back with five three hundred who said in two thousand and nine that we the hamas guys glorify death while the israelis glorify life he openly openly boasted about using human shields there were numerous you tube videos don't just look at the i.d.f. propaganda machine as you call it look at thousands of youtube videos where hamas nicks posted billions into the fire so they can shoot at israeli civilians with this protection this protection of human shields of their own civilians we value life and we mourn every single civilian lost on both sides i cannot emphasize that enough new look at the hamas response to the deaths in korea malaki the ones you conveniently forgot this week and they were cele