at thh un tooay secretary of state hillary clinton aaknowledged the suspected involvement of as aqim.ayy: "they are workkng with other violent extremists to undermiie the &pdemocratic transitions under way in north aarica, as we tragically aw in benghazi." fifteen dayssafter the attack on the s consuuatee the administration's initital claim that it was a demonntration that spun out of cootrol is driving steady drum bbat of criticism by &prepublican lawmakers that the president's team was less than forth coming.mckeon ays: "we have not been told the truth yyt from thee&pdministrat america's news room, the republican chairran of the house armed services committee blamed the administration's apparenttlack of candor on the political calendar..mckeon says: "we are getting closs to an election and all i an think ffis thaa ttee're ust trying to keep the facts election" congressman mckeon along with 7 &pheads of the intelligence,, committees, wrote this letter of rotest to the presidenn. they citeelast thursday's briefing - by the secretary oo state anddthe director of natiinal intelligence -