the number you quoted from the un world food programme, on over 800 million people facing less than 1,200. that number actually dropped below 600 million pre—covid. and the dysfunction associated with covid in supply chains has caused a dramatic rise in that number since then. i...everything you're saying, i understand, but i come back to motivation. you launched a very successful company some years back, the climate corporation, which used digital technologies to help farmers understand weather patterns, and how they could respond to weather patterns to improve their crop yields and avoid crop damage when the weather was going to be extreme and negative. it was hugely successful. you sold it out for over $1 billion to one of the biggest agri—tech corporates in the entire world, monsanto. and i think it's right to say even your own father accused you of selling out to an evil corporate. so, what really is your motivation? so, the benefit of that product has been that farmers get more with less. so, they put seed in the ground, they make the right decisions about what applications to apply