. >> all, i love my research but i wrote the first book on the unabomber. my way of doing this is i got up there while the cabin was still there and the snow was clearing, and they just build a fence around that i have pictures of the fbi. they tried to figure, we want to take this cabin because we think our bombs and. so they decided to build, they're going to fly at the. somebody said anybody ever see the "wizard of oz"? solid build a road and so it was months building roads. this is up on a mountain, you know. i got to know the neighbors. so i got in behind the fbi lines, and i cannot to stay with the neighbors and to take me up on snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. and i found in the woods, in the fire there's a big piece of wood and it has all these mathematical symbols that the unabomber had been. and his root cellar where he tried to get his brother to go in and locking them. but the neighbors loved jasinski. they just loved this guy. and i thought my god, i would like to write the story, forget the unabomber, just this guy interacting with people