. >> by the time i got involved in 1998 with the eric rudolph case, we had just come off of the unabomberestigation. after kaczynski, rudolph was the most wanted. not because he wanted to keep the heat off a group or be a loyal servant to ideology, it was because he connected to the ideology itself instead of the group. >> committed to staying in the woods, rudolph lives like a hunted animal. as described in his personal writings, he resolves to stay alive. >> it was a brutal starving time, burying food, digging shelters, freezing, hunting and eating acorns and salamanders. i had an improvised bed which was made of leaves and plastic. i used a small dugout underneath a rock to avoid helicopters and their heat-sensitive equipment. in defiance, i looked toward the ridge over which the chopper had just gone and said, "i am still here." >> i don't know that he could have stayed out in the woods indefinitely, but i don't think that he had any intention of surrendering himself to the authorities. >> i believe after a period of time, he would put down another bomb mainly to excite the game again