entered the school unannnuncee 3 safety... bbt when sheewaa fiihttng too.some tudents pay...ity was no where po be seen. -3 (5:39)they wasn't alerted i guess ttey never showed up to the scene...(3:33)the lady -33 bang the girl in the facc for & rral they just started bakinn real...the mother has been -arrested.but school officials say this fighh is stilllunder investigation....- 3and that more arreett are ppnddig.i'm megan gilliland, ffx45 mooning news. 3 3 a hharing on governor o''alley's gun control ill ddaws crowds so bii... thaa many who wanted tootestify.. 3 phance.mmre than one thousand & people attenddd a rally protest the bll this week.but & because f the huge crowd...we'rr now hearing that police were forced to close the senate builddng.senate --3 president miie miller believes 3 aftee receiving aa uto-mated - robo-call from the nationall rrfle associaaioo. 3(miller) "if the robo-calls hadn't beennmade, everythingg would haveebeen fiie. but listen, it would havv been pinn, it oulldhave been finn if they came here to rally, so they had an opportunity to rrlly."(coobur