one is a fun quiz, we have a triple game, today there are two theater teams, the unarsky gate theater in st. petersburgird. third, so leonid, daria, uh-huh, uh-huh, you are theater actors, yes, then, maybe you will act in films, but i would like to, we have a question on this topic, yeah, you will act in films, you will become stars , this is a question, this is a question. but this is not a competition, not a competitive question, another non-competitive question, but what happens to people who become stars? non-competitive question, this is not a competitive question, what happens to them, once again, once again yes, we are already so focused on the button, you will become stars, what’s wrong with you will happen or maybe, might happen? shine, star fever, yes, yes, star fever, star fever, it’s called , this is the question, the one that’s competitive, i ’m preparing you, just yeah, okay, good, and now the actual question, my understudy will do this - said the movie star, what kind of action are we talking about, leonid the first, so tricks, tricks, or naked, to act naked , to act in sex scenes, to ac