so people are unbanked or underbanked, or they just don't trust banks or they don't bank. you still want to be able to buy things online or over the phone, so you need that visa or mastercard logo. american express even launched a new one. you load money on to the card and take it and use it as a debit card. they charge you generally a monthly fee and a lot of these companies are reducing their monthly fee and their reload fee. if you add more money, they charge you a reload fee and a monthly maintenance fee. >> how exorbitant are these fees? >> sometimes talking about $3 a month, and then to load it, about $3. every time you want to put money on there. it just depends. you're seeing some of those slash it and not even have that monthly fee just to get customers. >> last two here, these are bigger items, but pools. swimming pools. >> yeah, definitely. a lot of people aren't going for the swimming pools anymore. we aren't seeing that, as popular as it has been. so they've cut them almost 75% for a swimming pool. now, imagine that. this may be the time for you to go and look