railway over three plus years of trying to negotiate to purchase the land, unbe known to us, and to the real estate division, they basically sold it to a private entity 1880 jerrold avenue, manager partner by the name of trans metro, who the city knows and has a good working relationship, that was done in the summer 2017. also in that regard, they actually very quickly set up a concrete plant which is in violation d.b.i. issued a notice in that regard, so that's been stopped. and since then, though, a lot of activity in terms of discussion with the private report owner. and they have indicated in essence a willingness to allow us to start the environmental testing we need to as required per the environmental document, so we are pursuing that right now. we are going ahead and working with our consultants to go ahead and come up with the planning and get them out there to perform the appropriate archaeological testing, as well as hazardous materials testing. survey crews out there, spot checks on utilities, due diligence for the engineering work we need to go ahead and this will inform th