so, no unbundled rec in bucket 1. bucket 3 is unbundled recs and some other things in there, and the percentages that are attached to those over time, most importantly by 2020 no more than 10% of unbundled recs can be in that 33% procurement. however -- >> excuse me. very fascinating. since we're over time, i'd like for him to tell me a little bit more about the rec limit page. could you do that? thank you. >> maybe why there is a limit, for example. >>> let me go back to this page. the categories, and to clarify again to make the point, this applies, this is state law, it would apply to sf clean energy or clean energy sf. up to the 33% procurement. anything above that is a voluntary procurement. if they say it's coming from a california eligible renewable resource, it could be a rec from that california eligible renewable resource unbundled or bundled. from the puc standpoint we would have to clarify. we would be indifferent as long as up to the 33% statutory standard it was there. the purpose for the three buckets w