the federal government may or may not be something but they may not do on certain activities -- do uncerta in activities. they cannot say that you can use highways that you have to waive your right against search and seizure. i brought a book called "bargain with the state" which has nauseating detail on all of these interpretations. suppress the to right to speak because they have limited liability against contract and tort claims is crazy. a condition that is perfectly acceptable is that we are not holding you responsible for torts but we are going to require you to get insurance if you want to run this nuclear power plant. that would be an illustration on the other side. the third point to make is that this is just a question of speakingou can stop within 30 days or 90 days of an election, this is core political speech. thatdea that you can block because corporations do bad things, it is crazy. citizens united is the real corporation. they do not make anything. idea that a partnership can put that out without restrictions and a corporation cannot is crazy. --l corporations have use. rea