-- with uncharged batteries? exhibit b in your packets details all the information verizon must provide to prove it has a problem with capacity among adjoining cell phone sites. unless verizon is willing to present this information, the cannot prove a problem with capacity in the richmond district. verizon also claims these antennas are needed to provide emergency services. however, the emergency response plan explicitly advises against reliance on self phones during emergencies, and lists eight non-cellular, emergency communications systems that will be in place during and natural disaster. federal mandates require that every cell phone site in san francisco must prioritize 911 calls. even a cell phone without a service provider must be allowed to connect to any site if 911 is dialed. there are more than enough antennas to handle 911 calls. it is not necessary to add more antennas to sixth avenue. the wireless facility is also not desirable at this location. the signatures obtained by a rise and lobbyists were c