where i was before and was able to buy a 3000 square-foot rick home in montgomery -- brick home in uncle marie, alabama. -- montgomery, alabama. i guess all of your colors and your guests, if you have a strategy and look at the economics can be cognizant of the housing market, you should be ok. i think i am probably two years from retirement. my wife and i will probably look at our last, final destination for a home. hopefully it will be a good one. a smaller one, and that is our next, probably our last purchase. so, real estate, i guess has been something that was to our advantage. i just wanted to do that, the xers, if they are planning a career, be cognizant of the real estate market. guest: i love that story. i think it is a positive story of homeownership. what we do see and what the federal reserve reports -- and i think what his experience was -- is that he earned equity in the all of his homes and was able to purchase larger homes along the way as his family grew and as his job relocated. we do see the federal reserve reporting that homeowners have, more than $255,000 compared to rente