oil has arraigned unclosed on the day. -- unchanged on the day. supply, ase gain in expected.le, citigroup sees a bearish risk on oil due to economic concerns in emerging markets. these are the numbers on the close, and they don't show the intraday gyrations. natural gas was down as much as on a percent today, up 10% four-year high. all of this as we are expected to get warmer than normal weather in just the next few days. >> let's talk metals. is safe haven demand back? >> it is. we are seeing the biggest one-day jump in silver since september. analysts say the weaker than forecast adp employment data is another sign that the economy is not where many people were expecting to see it. both gold and silver are seeing a rebound, and palladium has come out of its biggest slump in almost three years. a lot of traders are looking at a global situation for the economy as bullish. >> su keenan, thanks. more than 100 french and his men are visiting iran this week. executives from france's biggest aviation and industrial companies are looking to explore deals with the country that coul