they are uncorp rated. they rely on wells, and they have gone dry because of the drought.ened before, where one home's well might go dry, another - but never before has it happened to hundreds of wells, and now thousands of wells. the county of tulori, the county it's in stepped in - we reported on this in september - the county stepped in issuing bottled water deliveries to people's homes, setting up tanks in the front yard that the city and county have been filling once to twice a week to get water to these people. we have been to porterville five different times, and what we see there is something that i experienced when i travelled internationally to places like africa or south-east asia, where you see families bathing their children in buckets. people don't have water to wash dishes. they don't have water to flush toilets. even the bottled water that is delivered, and the tanks in the front yards - they have to ration, because it's not enough for them to live on. >> you know, the lyrics to the old song goes "it never rains in southern california." if we move into a pe