that do not affect current monthly benefit have the potential to affect future benefits if left uncorrected. while making incremental progress in areas specifically targeted through this initiative much more work needs to be done. we will continue to look for ways to promote improvement and benefit delivery operations during our future national audits and our vero inspections. that concludes my statement, and we are happy to answer any questions you or the committee have. >> thank you, ms. holliday. we will begin a round of questions. first question, as you know, while reporting timeliness as equal if not greater concern, the accuracy of the outcome for each veteran. looking at hundreds of thousands of claims. the veteran is looking at one and only one the accuracy highlighted in your testimony, as serious area of concern. i would like to also ask you the question about the quality components are. you noted that the star program has several classification errors such as benefit entitlement to, decision of documentation / notification and administrative. mr. murphy responded to an inquiry as