not so good for second year coach bobby hurley after losses to northern iowa undamped son. >> i'm very much on edge. we got to keep improving on the practice floor. we got to learn to i think we have good talent base but it's got to work together better. >> upset tonight state of indiana third ranked whose wayne mastodons and they intercept the inbound pass and win the game. they storm the floor. without question the biggest win in the history of the fort wayne program. gray hawkins scene of the pga junior league championship. super tee show from 13-year-old ian gil yan defeating team georgia by 3 points and the team from california a winner today. finally. >> he's more more than just an internet meme. >> >> medals of freedom with best crying jordan reference. michael jordan careen abdul-jabbar. photo bomb by bruce springsteen this is my park. i'm like the mayor here. i know every bench, every tree, every squirrel -- -hey, what's up, andy. -andy: hey! same with my banking. with my bank of america mobile banking app, i can see my accounts all in one place. i can easily manage them and i