the start of men and women who unafraid and undawned for the truth. subdue and make our natural environment and producing the engines of production and science and technology. [ applause ] this nation who has created people have enhanced this entire span of history should strive on the greatness of all those th g things as we as individual citizens can and should do. during republican years, this again will be a nation of men and women of families proud of their roles, jealous of their speedometers a responsibilities. a nation who all they can will be self reliant. [ applause ] we republicans see in our constitutional forum of government the great framework that assures the orderly but dynamic fulfillment of the whole man. we see the whole man as the great reason for instituting orderly government in the first place. we see in private property and an economy based upon fostering private property. the one way to make government a durable ally ie rather than its determined enmanyemynemy. [ applause ] >> we see in the sainty of private property, the only