it could push those out of the city run coverage and into the new insurance changes created unde obamacare. south of the city's push and a burden on the federal taxpayers, right? we also have fox news with us. that is exactly what is going on, right? we're not going to provide the federal bailout, not a penny, but they take people guaranteed retirees health care, push them into the obamacare exchanges which means the feds pick up a big portion and that would be us. in essence that is a federal or partial federal bailout. >> 7500 employees over 11,000 in chicago eyeing a similar plan. if the employee up to 400% of the poverty level, you'll end up about $4000 towards the premiums by the fed. that sounds like a bailout for me. that is coming out of the taxpayer pocket. if you arene of these, you say wait a minute, i worked my whole career in the city of detroit and i have to now pay what? i thought my health insurance was fully covered. they will pay the whole thing. if they can afford it. melissa: you agree with that breakdown? it seems like almost everybody los because employees and former