won't call it dichotomy conflict the realistic rate of assumptions that make sure that we're not underchargingharging the citizens or the employees. but there's also a reific ad realistic assumption whether we invest, don't char start chaizig returns. it's got to be an attainable return therefore we go through all the steps, what asset classes what subasset classes we're going into. contribution rate that the city the employees must pay. that's two rates of return. they're basically the same thing but both are required to be realistic and that's what the board spends a great deal of time on and discuss it non-stop. this board has been very realistic. we've had temptations to make more money and have not done it. today if you want a guaranteed preservation of principal as a goal i can tell you exactly what that rate of return will be, something in the neighborhoods of 2%. there are corporations now under incredible stress and strain, not from the economy of how to make their rates of return or their normal profits, but their pension funds are also how are they going to do it with very safe pens