barriers along all submerged concrete slab joints to inhibit water leakage from the reservoir to its underdrains. there will be no change in contract duration due to this joint sealing work1234 >> thank you, jasmine. commissioners? >> so move. >> second. >> it's been moved and second. is there any public comment on item no. 13. seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the ayes have it. next item 14. city clerk: item 14: 14. approve modification no. 2 to the agreement between the united states forest service and the city and county of san francisco regarding acquisition of 25.2 acres of land at camp mather, tuolumne county; and authorize the general manager to execute an amendment extending the duration of the agreement up to one year, for a total duration of three-years and six months. the time extension reflects the re-evaluation of the original timber appraisal as a result of the rim fire.1 year, for a total duration of three-years and six months. the time extension reflects the re-evaluation of the original timber appraisal as a result of the rim fire.1234 >>