you had to climb the three tiered tower and at the top, you grab the rope, slung undereneath, and pull yourself hand over hand until you got to the other end. the record had stood for years when my class began. it seemed unbeatable. until one day, students decided to go down the slide for life headfirst. instead of swinging his body underneath the rope, he bravely mounted the top of the rope and thrust himself forward. it was a dangerous move. seemingly foolish and fraught with risk. failure could mean injury. without hesitation, he slid down the rope perilously fast, it only took him half the time. by the end of the course, he had broken the record. if you want to change the world, sometimes you have to slide down the obstacles headfirst. during the warfare phase of training, students go to an island. the waters are a breeding ground for great white sharks. to pass training there along swims that must be completed, one is the night swim. the instructors jointly brief the students of all the species of sharks that inhabit the waters. i assure you, however, that's no student has ever be