i am very pleased that you took advantage of the financial aid to get your undergrad education. we need more national service linked to payments for college for training, for other kinds of advanced education. yes, i will definitely push the support of it. i think it is quite a tribute to how well the program has operated that it is still alive. the congress has not -- they take whacks aitt it, but it is surviving. i support that. [applause] >> let me just say one thing. as you folks all know this election coming up, this residential election, is not about her. it is about us. you have a job interview here. i think you have a heck of a job. let us take what more question. -- one more question. [applause] hillary: i cannot believe it. i feel like i should shut my eyes. you have been in the back. ok, here comes the microphone. >> thank you, madam secretary. represent the state legislature in my town. a couple years ago we lost our program for -- the early learning. test start. i am sorry. we had a program where children were going for education help, and now they cannot. hillary: