the reason that it's a little bit underknown, or very underknown, is there's a couple of things going on. one is, at the time, there was a concerted effort on the part of the government and the media to downplay it. not so much to cover it up, but they generally weren't promoting this notion that our merchant vessels were being sunk. in world war ii, it was -- in the first six months, you had almost a ship every other day on average sunk off of just off of north carolina alone. the fact that that wasn't something people were talking about is because they didn't want to induce panic, essentially. they dissident want people talking about the movement of movements of ships. this is where the notion of loose lips sink ships come from. there was a general idea to just kind of, let's not talk about that too much. because it was so early in the war, and we were getting pretty badly betten in that. until the convoy system kind of came together to ameliorate that threat. it was pretty -- pretty hush-hush. to a degree. just from a perspective of morale. i should also say, the position that the