if you do that you're not treating the underlying pathology. it's not officially that. there is still a disease process. people turned 35 we haven't helped them. incorporation you very much. i wonder what you think about this. with the mental health aspect. women had to stand up for rates. the religious rights wants to take away our birth control. it's clear if you're paying attention for a long while. i think it has. i think that's the big reason we feel like we can talk about it. we feel like we can't talk about abortion. how can be better. we are hanging onto clinics for dear life i'm one of the discoveries i have. was a network of people who are learning menstrual extraction. as laypeople. maybe there do less maybe there midwives. they are teaching each other how to get an abortion at home. it has advanced so much they are getting pills. one of the people i talk to as a midwife who is now based in canada and she is really arguing for midwifery to reclaim abortion as part of their practice. a world where and wait and wait 18 room. it is an outside the system thing. w