we know that-- but did you realize that the majority of us are undernourished? it's true.tes is on the rise. heart disease increases, and so does cancer. don't be a statistic any longer. reclaim your health with the power of food, the power of fresh, healthy juice. >> ever since i started juicing, i've lost a lot of weight-- i've lost 110 pounds. i don't have diabetes anymore. >> i started juicing and i began to lose weight quickly, i began to feel my health, began to start walking... >> before i started juicing, my body fat was at 24% and after 90 days of juicing it was at 15%. >> announcer: if you suffer from chronic pain, weight gain, fibromyalgia, digestive issues arthritis, inflammation, diabetes and more, you can help your body with proper nutrition, starting with fresh vegetable, fruit and green juices. just ask your doctor. stay tuned and you'll meet the world's foremost expert on juicing, 89-year-old jay kordich. he is a living legend and widely known as the father of juicing. jay has dedicated his life to teaching people the benefits of drinking fresh juices. he