even if we take the hard view that schizophrenia is exclusively underood as a biological disease caed by biological factors and maintained by biological factors, nevertheless, there is fairly strong evidence that there are psychological and social interventions which can help that schizophrenic patient, usually in conjunction with antipsychotic drugs, can help that schizophrenic patient to maka better adjusent to the world than was made before. there's been some changes. i learned how to slow down my speech when i take my time and speak slowly. i was ng--working-- i'm at an age where a man is-- when he's past age 3o, he's a confirmed bacher, and ve been trying- i'm to get married. a man is-- th help talk to lads. i'm a paranoid schizophrenic progress, and i'm getting better each and every day. the point i make with my father when wtalk abo this is that he says, "you're doing so well and trying so hard," ani always tell him,"i was al. "i was always doing better than anyone expected "i was always doing better than i expected of myself because was always fighting." when wsay,"hey, i'm a,