. >> a understanshia and sunni town. soldiers have been deployed to protect sites of worship as worshipers gather. >> iraq's finance minister told al jazeera that the fight against isil is draining ires economy. he says mosul holds the key to defeating isil. >> when isil swept into northern iraq, it didn't just capture territory, it seized assets, property, gold and cash from citizens, business people and banks. iraq's finance minister says over half a billion dollars was stolen from banks in mosul to crete and other cities. isil is believed to be the richest such organization in the world. revenue comes from iraq oil fields. the group has retained control of major oil fields in the north of iraq. from there, it smuggles oil to turkey where it sends to refineries in syria. >> >> we can target them to deprive them of this revenue, but they have enormous financial resources, paying their fighters good salaries, better than what we can afford to pay ours. >> that's partly because iraq has a serious financial cries. the econ