go through a lot of trouble, certainly in my case with my partner patrick and is in back in ber understoodi at the moment because his sister in-law is dying of cancer. i've been on the phone with him daily eand it's a very painful time for him. and the notion that we would commits fraud and go through years and years of trouble is really imapplausible. all that we ask is to be judged by the same standards as anyone else. and for an immigration situation with a buy national couple such as ours, there are always investigations, interviews, and nobody is calling for those to be short circuited. we're simply calling for equal protection of the law. guest: back to the phones, maryland. caller: hi, rick. it's phil marty. guest: good to hear from you. caller: i confess to being a little impatient, not with the president but with congress. and has there been a repeal of dome introduce ds? guest: i believe it was snard reid the other day who said it wasn't going to be introduced in the senate or he didn't have -- i'm afraid it's been an insane week. i'm trying to think if that was the domea repeal o