the confederates enter it, they're going to have one or both flanks in the air, meaning they're undersupported or under fire from the fred real position, and this in fill late fire chews men up. so clayburn, anderson, bushrod johnson and robert johnson suffer heavy casualties. the carnage here is enormous. you can imagine the morass is just stacked up with thousands of troops, pulsating attacks to get at the federals, artillery roaring across the valley, tearing into formations. sherman loses his position because of the success against prentiss and the fact that johnston releases, releases a greater part of what he brought to bear against prentiss to participate in this push or drive of sherman against -- excuse me, this driving the federals into the owl creek bottom, which sherman is a component of that. the battle here, well, we'll move. the confederates take sherman's camps and prentiss ease camps. the battle moves on. it's at this point now, 10:00 to 11:00 time frame, now the battle's dimensions have grown to their extreme of waiting well over three miles from west to east. a struggle acro