understanding, that there can be no history that does not weaved into the fabric of its record the true, undistorted account of the slaves, the negros, black folks, and african americans, calling forth the truth of our journey today. and truth be told, while our babies were being sold, our men were still call boys, and our women were referenced as dell's and girls. black people, my people, our people even then, were daring to make differences and contributions to american history. you can say amen. from harriet tubman to slave porters in the underground railroad, to michelle obama and today's white house. the footprints on history from african-americans cannot be washed away. and the bells of greatness, ingenious, artistic talent, philanthropy, and leadership cannot be on rum -- cannot be unrung. we have come this far by faith. we celebrate and embrace this theme of the african american women, culture, and history. wellcome will not allow me in this discourse to call the role of great women in african american history. let me pray that their numbers are many, and the stories of them tell the truth o