something that is feasible for the small business community and doesn't put them out of business undur ada. we thought oaf various solutions. we started out by giving a free inspection and offering that to businesses and they would post something in the window saying they completed this. we offered one pagers in different languages telling people about the different resources available for financing and finally we realized we needed a larger more comprehensive effort from the city to say that look, this is a very important issue and want to make sure our business community is trying to provide adequate access for everyone who wants to utilize a service and also provide a way for our businesses and property owners to document they made this effort so if there was a lawsuit filed against a property owner or business they can show and have proof they made a effort to achuv accessibility improvements. i think the summary that was stated what the ordinance is doing is we put in the building code to require existing building with a place of public accommodation either have all primary entries an