so what we had to come up with with unep here is a new idea on how to save some of that energy. the itpac does that that. it reduced the energy requirement for the it by two-thirds, thereby giving energy back to this building for other usage. >>steiner: we have installed the first itpac in africa, which is another example of how the latest technology can be deployed in africa. and this was also one of the objectives of the united nations: to demonstrate that the latest technology available in the world market deserves to be deployed also in a continent like africa, because energy is a major issue here. >>reporter: other features include a central atrium with light-wells in every office zone... solar water heatersand energy efficient computers. >>rainwater is also collected to supply the fountains and ponds. >>jong: all the water, the grey water, the sewage water, 7.5 million liters a year rainwater harvested from the roof, all goes into an artificial swamp we built. and all the gardens you see around us here will not need a drop of water from the mains water. it will all be recy