it's a unesco biosphere reserve with an area close to 900 square kilometers, about the size of berlin at least a dozen african lions are said to live here. the probability of sighting one of these nocturnal animals is virtually nil. still there are many residents who can tell us about the rainforest lions. after trekking over the hills of the village boka, we meet asayit haile. it's been three years since her very unusual encounter with a lion. during the night a hungry lioness broke into her hut through a hole in the wall and attacked two goats. after that, asayit says, the lion got into the family bed. >> we always sleep in the same hut with our animals. it was pitch black and at first i didn't know what was going on. then the lion attacked me. here you can see the scars on my face and head. i didn't realize what was happening until i felt its claws and heard it growling. >> asayit was very lucky. the lioness only wounded her slightly and then left her alone. her husband says the lioness stayed in the hut for two hours, ate one of the goats and then disappeared. in the regional capi