in which masters treat their slaves theiring for the right of the folks the most common arrow unestimating to learn they're very grateful for great treatment and if authority is keep over them in the management of negroes to give them a sufficiency of food and the next is the slaves holdings huge log cabins 16 by 18 makes it comfortable and the old go fashioned cabins confined by logs keeps the gun floors wet i'm sure that is one thing that termed in negro consumption it is hierarchical effective that the dirt floors should be raised the huge log cabins out last 3 sets of housing 1837 we're in 2015 and things don't change very much pursue pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. mr. can you identify yourselves. >> i'm fernando i'm here to support my friends of the jails thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm with critical resistance and the western regional project i think a lot of the things i want to say have been said by other people a lot of the things about the health of people in the jail and putting more facilities m