are there any official policies for example, with the arts commission 3 unexceeded absence the chair asks the person to leave the chair so the opportunity can be made available for someone who who has time to serve do you have such a policy >> supervisor the bylaw because it was enacted is the chair or vice chair will notify the board of supervisors when we have and we report on a quarterly basis on attention records but there are no powers in the bylaws that is a i can knock someone off. >> i can the commissioners receive full health bends. >> not telephone number on this commission. >> so this commission doesn't alleyway allow for the option to receive health bends. >> no, it's not a chartered commission they don't even get parking. >> no spooipd. >> it's purely divorce. >> okay. thank you. wow. doesn't mean you couldn't attend the meetings (laughter) >> so any other questions of the 42 tests. >> seeing none, thank you very much. >> thank you very much arrest next person is mel have a maldonado add. >> very good. >> hello supervisors. supervisor chair, supervisor breed and supervis