in california, our minimum wage is $8 an hour and it is hard for someone who is on skilled and unexperiencedn employment to ashley have their labor valued at $8 an hour for my parents own a bit desperate for them to pay someone $8 an hour, it's got to be someone who knows what they're doing. our public schools do not provide and education necessary. i took the most advanced courses possible and i honestly felt like i school was more a day care than any failed. our schools cannot offer courses that actually teach us how to listen -- live our lives and get out in the real world. this is a major problem to affect generations to come. we need action to fix this problem now. is there anything that you can do in the next session when republicans gain the majority hopeful it? because this is a problem. >> you raise a lot of issues. was that the redmond study, before 2000 that they cannot read the report, the greatest threat to america was an attack within our own country the might and this was before 9/113 di know what they said was the second greatest threat? the lack of the basis of math and scie