. -- unexperienced drivers and a low level of service.e changing from "shall" to "may" is just an abomination. i do not know how i could look at bill, who i have known for 25 years, and who has changed his entire life to get a medallion, just to have it taken away like that. it is a shame. [applause] >> [reading names] >> good afternoon, commissioners. i always look at this as a celebration. a lot of people that had medallions that were not able to sell them or get any money for them -- now they are able to. if you take this whole deal about a lot of people who are speaking up here are medallion holders -- when you look at the situation, medallions, when you have them, you just do not get them for free. you pay taxes on them all the time. when you purchase something, you get to have a right off on the interest that to purchase something, so i do not really see the difference in someone that is getting one for free or someone that is going to buy one because they are able to get to have that right off -- write- off. when you buy something,