so what i see is a place where there's no penalty for doing bad things, and it's probably unfixable. so when i look at it, i think what is it we need to change to make this a safer environment. so far we haven't done very much. the u.s. position has been to rely on the private sector and to rely on market forces. that works so well in all other fields of national security. no, it doesn't work at all, and that's part of why we're in a mess. so we need to rethink what we're doing, and that's proving to be very difficult in the current political climate. >> host: insecure bl, unfixable, in a mess, what -- and so what about cybersecurity keeps you awake at night? what is your biggest fear? >> guest: nothing keeps me awake at night about cybersecurity. i don't think we're facing any sort of drastic attack in the near future. right now as far as i can tell the only people who have the capabilities that could do real harm are big countries like china, russia, a few others. they're not just going to attack us for fun. when you see those capabilities spread to people like the jihadis or to no