these ak vaccusations are unfou as appraisers don't make the market, they report the market. the goal is an integral part of risk manage why. any crisis of appraisals is the way in which lenders under the oversight of bank regulatory agencies procure appraisals today. the factor in the appraisal hiring decision are often price and turnaround time of the appraisal and not quality of the appraiser. the dumbing down of appraisals cannot continue and we ask congress for its continued oversight. lastly, we know nothing is perfect. the regulatory system that appraisers operate with today is 20 years old. we believe it is time for a fresh look. appraisers do not need a set of arbitrary rules. the careful scrutiny of data is essential to maintaining integrity. we ask for your oversight of these matters. i thank you very much for the opportunity to be here and i will be glad to answer your questions. >> thank you, ms. stevens. we'll now proceed to questions from the members of congress and i would start with myself and yield myself five minutes. the appraisal subcommittee is in the pr