if the review starts now then it will probably won't even be on the table before the unga.o that's all of it, too bad that a country not already have submitted earlier simple request for a review. it just requires one country that points out the fact the w.h.o. has never done a review of cannabis, and just ask them to do it. enough for the procedure to really start moving. now because we still don't know what the experts actually cited whether they are starting critical review or not, it will come out in a few weeks, but i still, i am convinced that it is useful to start a procedure because it is important to have w.h.o. recommendation even if it is voted down. at least we know what the formal -- the w.h.o. is given a recommendation at the window at least w.h.o. thinks about the current cannabis. only for that it is worth doing. in a few years time i think cannabis around the world will have evolved so much that there is also a good chance that actually buy them a vote may make it. one short additional comment on the other issue. apart from the hypocrisy element is also the