the developer responded to your direction with still a huge, blocky, ungangly design that fails to address the neighborhood concerns. it has the same 5,400 square feet of units. the units are not comparable as required under rh2 zoning. one is 40% larger than the other. the building remains too long because of im permissible average the roof deck intrudes on the apartment building's top floor apartment and there are dozens of windows including very intrusive ones on the north side that look directly into our kitchen and deck. we call on you to require two comparable, 1,900 square foot units, two 3-bedroom flats that are big are than my whole house, and are affordable to the middle class. no roof deck. use the yard as shared open space, luke it -- like it was before. it's a big lot. the yard can accommodate that. and eliminate the intrusive windows. he's crazy with the windows. so 38 neighbors are still on the record against this project. don't approve this appropriaprp. stop luxury super sizing. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. i'm gloria yi. i'm the owner of 322 30