20, 30 years from now and see the hispanic vote just like the african-american vote, absolutely ungettableepublicans, if they continue on these policies. >> richard nixon got a third -- >> a third. >> a third of the african-american vote. >> wow. alicia, ed rollins on fox news, i don't know, maybe he's trying to get some days off from fox news, but saying the kinds of things that they don't want to hear, but that was kind of an amazing statement that it's not clear to me what the republicans might try to do about that, about this aging demographic that they have, this narrow ethnic demographic that they have. >> there are whistle-blowers in the party who are trying to make it clear to everyone that the shift is in progress, that they are largely out of step with this demo, but it seems to be a problem in leadership, that the leadership doesn't truly get it. >> i notice that it's the campaign types like rollins, like rove. >> you mean the people who want to win? >> the people who run presidential campaigns to try to win them are the ones who have been saying, you've got to worry about this.