(laughter) a lot of people have counted santorum out as unelectable or at the very least ungooglable. you see, a few years ago santorum compared homosexual relationships to man on dog sex. angering friend of the show and enemy of families dan savage who then launched an internet campaign to redefine santorum's name. now, if you're drinking a milk shake or eating a chocolate myself i advise you to set it aside before i read savage's definition of santorum. "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of age se of ana" (audience reacts) are we all right? but thanks to his surging campaign, santorum has ended this unfair association of his name with hot man love. right, news people? >> santorum has got the big mug. you have a surge in the back end of the polling for rick santorum. >> stephen: yup. nothing gay. just big mo polling santorum in the big back end. (cheers and applause) so what existed lifted santorum above the froth? was it his strong conservative record? his family values? his christian faith? partly, but mostly it was fashion. jim. >> i was