they talked about ungrandfathering, which is a word if you check that, that they created last night. any time -- you know, of course we un-grandfathered him. spell check wouldn't let me have it. this was -- when i say "baffling," the people who didn't re-up, were people who were -- it was people who were afraid of the price increase. now, what this says is, i've always felt there's costco, amazon, you pay for the prime. people didn't pay for netflix going on. >> right, they had more churn than may have been participated and they added fewer subscribers domestical domestically, and internationally, and as importantly, their guidance below the current quarter is below what much of the street and the investors anticipated. >> it's toriberrible. >> in terms of u.s. and economic. >> us 160,000, and guiding 300 more? >> next quarter is bad, too. >> i think people are looking for half a million. >> customer loyalty, thing, fpr used that, rbc, multiple negative catalyst. >> come on, when reed hastings says everyone -- the big picture is everyone is using internet video, internet television m