what would you pay to be completely unhackable? >> $50 a month. nobody is trying to hack me, but i had to change my credit cards before and stuff like that. pain in the butt. >> $30 a month or so to have that security that i don't have to worry about anybody looking over my shoulder. >> maybe $1 million. yeah. >> $25 a month. maybe more. it depends how it worked. >> how about you? >> probably pay more for real security, but i don't think it's possible yet. >> since i have been lucky enough not to have been hacked yet, i think $100 is sufficient. >> i would say at least $40 or $50 is a great price. if you can go with that, that would be awesome. >> i think a good $100, i would pay to be unhackable. if said more, i would do it. in terms of what they will find in e-mail, it is not worth hacking. >> then, of course, our own laziness plays right into the hands of criminals. if your password is "password" or "123456" or "monkey" you are helping hackers. those are at the top of the list of the commonly stolen passwo passwords. learn more about how to pro