there was a lot of victims, we go back to the western front, an oscar winner with an years of our lives" is interesting. it showed what happened to veterans coming home from the "good war" and we saw a lot of societal pressures - financial and physical - when it came to maiming and injuries suffered in the second world war, and that the heroes overseas came home and found it difficult to find their way back into society. the films surrounding the war was about heroism. >> absolutely. >> the irony is we go to the forgotten war, the korean war. that more so many don't think about when you think about the history of war in the 20th century. it led to a successful show title. >> it's true. i bet you, though, given when machine was on tv, a lot of people to this day equate it to the vietnam war. "mash" was about the korean war, letting the tv people play with the vietnam war. >> you are a consultant, tim clemente, what are the biggest issues you have about how war is portrayed in hollywood? >> there's a disconnect between hollywood and war fighters. i don't think physi